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Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Today is the Tenth Annual Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day.  In honor of this even, we are writing about Parental Alienation.  Here is some information that you should know.

Parental Alienation can happen by the Mother or the Father and it does actually happen.  However, people do get confused with what Parental Alienation actually is.  Parental Alienation is not just about who has more time sharing or even if a parent is denying another parent time sharing. Parental Alienation involves a parent interfering with another parents relationship with their child.  Once that child exhibits hatred and vilifies the targeted parent, then the condition becomes parental alienation syndrome. it is making the child have an unwarranted fear, disrespect or hostility towards a parent or other family members.

There are several things that one should look for to determine if  parental alienation is in fact happening:

  1. Allowing the child to decide if they should go see the other parent.
  2. Discussing the parents relationship with the child and attempting to advise the child why the other parent caused the relationship to end.
  3. Not allowing the other parent to be involved in school functions or doctor appointments.
  4. Not allowing the child to take any of their belongings with them to the other parents home.
  5. Refusing to be flexible with changes to the time sharing schedule to accommodate the child’s need.
  6. Scheduling a significant number of activities for the child that consistently interview with the other parents time sharing.
  7. When a child is angry with one parent but cannot give a valid reason as to why.
  8. When a parent uses the child to have them spy on the other parent and relay that information back to them.
  9. A parent acting hurt or sad when the the child says that actually enjoyed their time with the other parent.
  10. When a parent tries to convince the child to ask the other parent to not participate in time sharing so that they can go to an event with the other parent.

Again, these are only some things to look for when trying to consider if parental alienation is happening.  There are many other factors that one should consider.

If you believe parental alienation is happening there are things you can do.  Please contact Orlando Family Law Attorneys, Michael Ferrin and Victoria Anderson to help you immediately.  The longer you wait the worse it will be.  There are things that can be done to help your situation such as requesting a social investigation, Guardian ad Litem or possibly a psychological evaluation of the child and parties.  This information does not form an attorney client privilege.

Please contact our the Orlando Family Law Attorneys of Anderson & Ferrin at 407-412-7041 today.

– See more at: http://blog.vandersonlaw.com/parental-alienation/#sthash.omH4nX8C.dpuf

You can also find additional information on this matter at the following websites:

  1. http://www.paawarenessday.com/
  2. https://www.parentalalienation.com/articles/symptoms-parental-alienation.html
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