Should You Spy On Your Spouse When Getting A Divorce?

Divorce always presents certain challenges but for some people, the process is particularly difficult. It is not uncommon for one of the parties to believe that their spouse had an affair during the marriage, or that they are hiding assets to protect them from the property division process. In these instances, emotions are more likely to run high and people may consider doing things they never would have considered before. One such action may be spying on their spouse, even if it is just looking through their social media profiles. So, if you are thinking about ending your marriage, should you spy on your spouse during the divorce process?
When is Spying a Crime in Florida?
There are times when spying is considered a crime in Florida. For example, you should not follow your spouse or show up at their workplace regularly, as you could be charged with stalking. Additionally, hacking into your spouse’s emails can be considered a cyber crime, which is a serious federal crime and comes with serious penalties. Florida law also prohibits recording someone without their permission, so do not secretly record any conversations you have with your spouse.
Although the above acts are considered crimes, some people do not want to go to these measures, but they still want to check up on their spouse and what they are doing. So, are other acts, such as looking at your spouse’s social media posts, a crime?
Using Non-Criminal Methods to Spy on Your Spouse
Not all acts of spying or snooping on your spouse are considered crimes. For example, if you simply peruse through your spouse’s social media pages, you are not going to be criminally charged. However, you probably will not obtain much useful information when doing so. When people are getting a divorce, they are unlikely to flaunt anything that could hurt their case, such as an affair. Additionally, if you believe your spouse is hiding assets, they are probably not going to make that information public by posting about it to social media.
Spying on your spouse, even when you are not taking criminal action, is only going to make the process more stressful and emotional, especially when you do not find what you were looking for. If you believe your spouse is having an affair, hiding assets, or engaging in other misconduct, you should inform your Orlando divorce lawyer. An attorney will conduct an investigation to gain information that could help your case, instead of hurting it.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Can Help with Your Case
Spying on your divorce when going through a divorce is never a good idea. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando divorce lawyer can conduct an investigation to discover any wrongdoing on the part of your spouse that could help your case. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or reach out to us online to schedule a free consultation with our seasoned attorney and to learn more about how we can help.