Three Important Tips for Parenting Time

When a married couple has children together and then gets a divorce, the court will award each spouse a certain amount of parenting time. The courts will typically aim to award each parent an equal, or nearly equal, amount of parenting time. This is not always possible, though, particularly when one parent has a history of substance abuse or they live far away. In these cases, there are important tips for the parent who does not have the greater share of parenting time. Below, our Orlando time sharing lawyer explains these in more detail.
Determine How and When You Will Communicate
There should not be any confusion regarding how you and your co-parent will coordinate with each other when arranging to drop off or pick your children up for parenting time. To avoid confusion while still respecting each other’s privacy, you should agree ahead of time how you will communicate with each other. Decide if you want to use text messaging, phone calls, or emails. Regardless of which you choose, make sure it is a method you have access to and can check regularly.
In addition to the means of communication you will use, it is just as important to determine how often you will communicate. It is ideal if neither you nor your co-parent have to constantly wonder if you will receive a call or text message to talk about an upcoming visit.
Know What You Need
When you do not have as much parenting time as your former spouse, it is critical that you do not give them any reason to believe that you are not providing a comfortable atmosphere for your children. Do not assume that your co-parent will send your child with everything they need for the visit. Instead, ask your former spouse what your child needs and make sure you have it available to them.
Remain Respectful at All Times
If you and your spouse are able to relate to each other in a respectful and civil manner, that is a benefit for not only the two of you, but for your children, as well. That said, many people find it extremely difficult to interact with their former spouse in such a positive manner. If this is the case for you, it is critical that you set aside your differences and agree to remain respectful while picking up or dropping off the children. If everyone can remain calm, it will be more likely that everyone will stick to the plan and avoid disputes.
Our Time Sharing Lawyer in Orlando Can Help with Your Case
No one wants to lose parenting time with their child. The best way to make sure that your arrangement is fair and respects your rights is to have legal assistance. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando time sharing lawyer can help you navigate the process while providing the legal advice you need. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation with our experienced attorney and to learn more about how we can help.