Four Signs Your Marriage May Be Over

Married couples are bound to get into arguments from time to time. Some marriages even hit rough patches that last for many weeks, or even months. This does not always mean that divorce is imminent and in some cases, working on the marriage can bring a couple back to a happy place again. So, how do you know if you are simply going through a hard time, or if it is time to get a divorce? Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer outlines four signs that your marriage may be over.
You Have Fallen Out of Love with Your Spouse
It is not uncommon for married couples to find separate new interests. At times, this can be very healthy and allow spouses to grow in their own personal development. Sometimes, though, the new interests can cause couples to grow even further apart and while they are still married, spouses could end up living very different lives and falling out of love with each other.
Even in these scenarios, couples may still decide to stay together. For example, spouses may agree to remain married while their children are still minors to avoid the stress of child custody hearings on the entire family. This rarely works because if you have fallen out of love with your spouse, there is little that will keep the family together.
You are Overly Critical of Each Other
In a marriage, some constructive criticism is good, and even healthy, as it can help both spouses grow. Constantly being criticized, on the other hand, can lead to feelings of contempt and resentment. If you feel that your spouse is constantly judging you, or you are overly critical of them, it may be a sign that divorce is near.
You Cannot Get Over Past Mistakes
People make mistakes and there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. In some cases, big mistakes such as an affair or developing a substance abuse problem occur in a marriage. If you have made such a mistake and your spouse cannot get past it, or you cannot forgive your spouse for something they did in the past, the issue may never be fully resolved and it could lead to divorce.
You Do Not Talk to Each Other
Everyone likes to have alone time at some point, but you should still want to talk to your spouse the majority of the time. If you have started avoiding your spouse so you do not have to talk to them, it could be a sign that divorce is imminent.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Can Help if You are Thinking of Ending Your Marriage
Divorce is always difficult, but knowing the common signs can help remove some of the shock of the situation. At Anderson & Ferrin, our Orlando divorce lawyer can advise on the facts of your case, explain your rights, and help you obtain the fair settlement you are entitled to. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation and to learn more.