Six People Who Will Be Surprisingly Happy If You Get A Divorce

Divorce is a traumatic experience and it is normal for people to focus on the negative emotions it brings up. However, it is important to remember that getting a divorce is not entirely bad. You must, after all, believe some good will come of it or you would not have made the decision in the first place. Although it may not seem like it now, divorce can lead to better things. In fact, there are people in your life who likely already know this and who will also be happier after you get a divorce.
Your Spouse
Even if your spouse balks at the idea of divorce, if you are considering taking this step, there is a good chance your partner is already unhappy to some extent. A marriage is only happy when both partners are content in the relationship. Even if they cannot see it now, divorce will make your spouse happier, even if one or both of you are unhappy right now.
Your Children
Yes, it is true. Divorce is hardest on the kids, and yours will be, too. However, living with two unhappy parents is also hard on the kids. Your children will likely have a hard time understanding why you are getting a divorce, and they may even feel as though it is their fault. It is critical that you are sensitive to your child’s needs, and that you support them as much as possible. In the long-term though, children will be much happier once a parenting plan is created and they can spend time with two happy parents, albeit separately.
Your Doctor
It is extremely stressful to be part of an unhappy marriage. That stress can take a tremendous physical toll on your body and can lead to a number of different ailments, such as high blood pressure, chest pain, and chronic headaches. You may find that after divorce, you become much healthier.
Your Children’s Teachers
When children are not happy at home, they often exhibit behavioral and academic problems at school. Once the divorce is over and some stability has returned to their lives, your children may become more focused and their grades may improve.
Your Boss
Just as children can become more distracted when there are problems at home, so can you. You may have been more focused lately on recent arguments than you are on your job, or you may have spent more time at work wondering if you should get a divorce than performing your employment duties. After the divorce, you will be able to better focus on your job, and your boss will certainly notice.
Many people do not consider divorce because they are worried about how it will affect other people. It is important though, to remember that you are a person too, and that your happiness is also very important. Being in an unhappy marriage is difficult, and so is the decision to get a divorce. Afterwards though, you may just find that you are looking forward to your new life and that you are not as heavy-hearted as you once were.
Our Family Lawyers in Orlando Can Help with Your Divorce
Divorce is never easy, but it is sometimes the only path to happiness. If you are considering divorce, our Orlando family lawyers at Anderson & Ferrin, P.A. can help you through the process. Call us today at 407-412-7041 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.