Three Tips to Lower the Cost of Your Divorce

The cost of divorce is one reason why people are sometimes hesitant to file. They are not only worried about what they will lose during the process, but also how much they will have to pay in attorney’s fees and other expenses. Fortunately, while it may not seem as though there is a lot you can do to impact the cost of your divorce, there are several ways to reduce the expense. Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer outlines three tips that can help.
Promptly Respond to Document Requests
It is always recommended that you work with an Orlando divorce lawyer when you are legally ending your marriage. Throughout the entire process, your lawyer will ask you for a number of different documents. These can include financial statements, past tax returns, investment information, and more. It is important that you respond to these requests right away.
Not only will failing to provide the necessary documents in a timely manner create unnecessary delays in your case, they can also contribute to the cost of divorce. If you do not respond, your lawyer will have to contact you many times to try and collect the information. Every time they make an attempt to reach you, they will charge you for it, increasing the cost of your divorce.
Put Your Emotions Aside
Divorce is not only an expensive process, it is also an emotional one. It is important to recognize your emotions, but also to be able to put them aside when necessary. If you become too emotional during the process, it will make it more difficult to identify your goals and focus on them so you obtain the fair settlement you deserve. Additionally, if you cannot put your emotions aside, you may find yourself unwilling to compromise even when doing so does not align with your goals. The longer your divorce takes, the more it will cost you.
Consider Alternative Dispute Resolution
People often assume a divorce case will involve a long and bitter battle in the courtroom. Fortunately, this is not usually the case. If you enter litigation, or have to go to trial, it is the costliest way to resolve your disputes. On the other hand, if you can enter mediation or use collaborative law when resolving the issues of your divorce, it is far less expensive. Additionally, using alternative dispute resolution methods can help reduce the timeline of your divorce, which can also help cut the costs of it.
Our Divorce Lawyer in Orlando Can Advise on All Aspects of Your Case
If you are thinking about ending your marriage, our Orlando divorce lawyers at Anderson & Ferrin, P.A. have the necessary experience in both mediation and collaborative law to help you through the processes so you obtain the best settlement possible. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys and to learn more about how we can assist with your case.