What Does Child Support Cover in Orlando?

When two people have a child together and later end the relationship, one parent is often required to pay child support. Child support is a very contentious issue in divorce and paternity matters and people who pay it may feel resentful for many years to come. Sometimes, they may argue that the recipient is not using child support payments appropriately. They could even try to modify or terminate a child support order based on this argument. So, what can you use these payments for if you receive them? Our Orlando child support lawyer explains.
What is Child Support?
Child support are payments made from one parent to the other to offset the high costs of raising a child. Support is typically paid by the parent who has less parenting time with the child. The amount of child support is determined using certain guidelines. These include the needs of the child, the income of both parents, the number of children who need support, and other relevant factors.
What Can You Use Child Support for in Orlando?
Child support payments are expected to help cover the basic needs of a child. These include:
- Basic needs: The basic needs of a child include the clothing, food, and shelter they need. These necessities provide the basis of the formula for child support payments, but they are the bare minimum and other factors are also considered when support payments are calculated.
- Education: There are many educational costs that child support can cover. These include books, tuition, school supplies, and the cost of extra-curricular activities, such as field trips.
- Childcare: If the custodial parent needs to go to work, college, or obtain additional training for their profession, child support payments can be used to cover the cost of childcare. Childcare is included and calculated as part of a parties’ child support obligation and can often significantly increase the child support due to the high cost of childcare.
- Medical expenses: Just like anyone else, children need medical care to keep them healthy and safe. Child support can be used to cover dental work, doctors’ visits, health insurance, vision care, therapy, medication, and any other type of medical care the child needs.
- Transportation: Child support payments can also be used to pay for transportation to the child’s medical appointments or school. This can include paying for gas money or the cost of public transportation.
Call Our Child Support Lawyers in Orlando Today
Whether you believe your former partner is misusing child support payments or you are being accused of misuse, you need sound legal advice. At Anderson & Ferrin, P.A., our Orlando child support lawyers can provide it and will always. make sure the rights of you and your child are upheld. Call us now at 407-412-7041 or contact us online to request a free initial consultation with one of our skilled attorneys.
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