Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Steps to Take if an Alimony Recipient Refuses to Look for Work
During a divorce, it is not uncommon for a judge to order one spouse to pay alimony, also known as spousal support, to the other party. This is often the case when one spouse is a higher earner and the other is financially dependent on them. In these instances, lower-earning spouses are awarded alimony… Read More »

Three Important Tips for Parenting Time
When a married couple has children together and then gets a divorce, the court will award each spouse a certain amount of parenting time. The courts will typically aim to award each parent an equal, or nearly equal, amount of parenting time. This is not always possible, though, particularly when one parent has a… Read More »

Three Possible Benefits of Getting a Divorce
No one gets married with the intention of getting a divorce. Most people get married because at the time, they want to be together for the rest of their lives. However, despite the fact that divorce has many negative connotations, there are some potential benefits of ending your marriage. Below, our Orlando divorce lawyer… Read More »

What to Include in a Premarital Agreement
Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that in the event a couple gets a divorce, marital property is distributed fairly, but this does not necessarily mean equally. Property division issues are some of the most contentious in any divorce, but a premarital agreement can help resolve these issues much more quickly. A… Read More »

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Calculating Alimony
If you are getting a divorce, there may be a possibility that you have the right to receive alimony, or that you may have to pay it. Alimony is a very contentious issue in Florida divorces and mistakes in alimony calculations can result in financial strain, frustration, and delayed legal battles. Below, our Orlando… Read More »

When is it Time for Divorce Court?
In Florida, the vast majority of divorce cases are settled out of court through mediation or negotiation between the two parties. Settling your divorce case has many benefits. It is more affordable than litigation, less time-consuming, and it is more confidential. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to solve a divorce case out of… Read More »

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Child Support?
If you are struggling with a lot of debt and cannot afford to pay your bills, you may have already considered bankruptcy as an option. While bankruptcy should always be a last resort, it can clear your financial slate and give you a fresh start. Before filing, it is critical to understand what types… Read More »

How to Properly Prepare for Divorce in Orlando
When approaching divorce, it is critical to understand your circumstances and to properly prepare. While divorce is very difficult, advance planning can help you navigate the complexities of the process and strive for a resolution that is fair for both sides. There are many steps that can help you prepare for not only the… Read More »

What May Disqualify You from Alimony in Orlando?
Alimony is one of the most contentious issues in divorce. If you were awarded alimony during your divorce, it is important to know that in certain situations, you may no longer be eligible to receive alimony payments. Below are three instances in which you may be disqualified from receiving alimony. Remarriage or Cohabitation Many… Read More »

Do You Have to Pay Child Support when Your Child Goes to College?
When two parents divorce, they must resolve many issues and child support is one of the biggest. Child support is intended to cover the child’s expenses and many parents wonder if this includes college. Students in Florida pay $3,891 for in-state residency and that amount more than triples to $15,494 if a student goes… Read More »