Monthly Archives: August 2023

Four Signs Your Marriage May Be Over
Married couples are bound to get into arguments from time to time. Some marriages even hit rough patches that last for many weeks, or even months. This does not always mean that divorce is imminent and in some cases, working on the marriage can bring a couple back to a happy place again. So,… Read More »

Is it the Right Time to File Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is typically a last resort for people who are struggling to pay off high amounts of debt. For this reason, making the decision to file is a very difficult one. Still, bankruptcy can provide you with a fresh financial start by making debt more manageable or by eliminating it altogether. It is important… Read More »

Florida Law No Longer Allows Permanent Alimony
The Florida legislature has been trying to reform the law on spousal support, commonly known as alimony, for many years. Recently, lawmakers were successful with SB 1416, which has been in effect since July 1, 2023. There are a number of changes included in the law. These include the elimination of permanent spousal support,… Read More »

What Does Child Support Cover in Orlando?
When two people have a child together and later end the relationship, one parent is often required to pay child support. Child support is a very contentious issue in divorce and paternity matters and people who pay it may feel resentful for many years to come. Sometimes, they may argue that the recipient is… Read More »